Building a cohesive design system for a video recording and analysis tool & platform.
Spiideo provides powerful and easy to use sports video analysis software for coaches, analysts and players. With powerful video based solutions and camera system installed in arenas, video recording is always available for training sessions as well as matches. The software then enables the user to analysis, draw on, create presentations and collect data about the team and players.
We created a Design System to tie together the main web, platform and all Spiideo tools to create visual continuity and an easy to use UX.
2019 - 2020
Lead UX Designer and Art Director
Spiideo is one of the world leading video analysis tools for sports. Their strength lies in being simple enough to use for both coaches and players, while still providing advanced features for the expert user.
Their set of tools is ever growing, so the need for a solid design system with reusable components was key for success.
The timeline is a central part of the video editing tool that contains a lot of advanced functionality, allowing the user to drill down into tags and zooming in different types of timelines.
The tag panel contains both regular one-press tags, duration tags and doubble tags. By using motion we provide the correct feedback to the user.